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XBOX Unlocked Save Collection - 180+ Saves - 100% Complete - Instant Download

XBOX Unlocked Save Collection - 180+ Saves - 100% Complete - Instant Download

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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180+ Game Saves!
Halo, Fable, Mortal Kombat, Jet Set Radio Future, Fallout, Morrowind, KOTOR and much more!

- Everything Unlocked
- 100% Complete
- All Characters
- All Stages
- Max Ammo
- Max Stats

This digital download will show you exactly how to complete your save file collection! Get instant access to hundreds of fully unlocked save files!

Games Saves available:

Press CTRL+F on your keyboard simultaneously to pull up the Find & Search menu in your browser.
Then type desired game to see if it is included in this save collection.

1. 007 James Bond Everything or Nothing (Platinum medals awarded for EVERY mission. Everything Unlocked.)
2. 007 James Bond Nightfire (100% Complete)
3. Amped (100% Complete)
4. Amped 2 (100% Complete and Ranked #1.)
5. Apex (Game Settings - All Unlocked)
6. Area 51 (100% All Databank Items and Secrets.)
7. ATV Quad Power Racing 2 (100 % complete / all unlocked / all gold trophy.)
8. Auto Modellista (All Tracks & Cars Unlocked)
9. Backyard Wrestling Don‘t Try This at Home (Fully completed. all characters, and levels)
10. Bad Boys 2 (100% Complete)
11. Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance (Extreme Level Unlocked / Drizzt Imported)
12. Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance 2 (Extreme Level Unlocked - Rare Armor/Weapons LV 40 - 2 Players.)
13. Bard‘s Tale (Max stats, max level, and all talents unlocked at first save point.)
14. Batman Begins (Completed game plus all extras unlocked)
15. Batman Rise of Sin Tzu (86% Complete)
16. Beyond Good and Evil (Last Save Point Before Final Boss Battle. All Pearls. All Animals.)
17. Blade 2 (100% Complete)
18. Blinx The Time Sweeper (All the medals, All the levels, Final costume)
19. Bloody Roar Extreme (All Characters (Fang is Yugo 3rd costume))
20. BMX XXX (All Riders - Everything Unlocked)
21. Broken Sword 3 The Sleeping Dragon (Select the sword, then face the last boss.)
22. Brothers in Arms (All Extras Unlocked, All Cheats Unlocked, Game Beaten on Authentic)
23. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (100% Complete)
24. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Chaos Bleeds (100% Complete)
25. Burnout (All cars and tracks unlocked.)
26. Burnout 3 Takedown (100% Complete all cars all gold.)
27. Call of Duty Finest Hour (100% Complete)
28. Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO (100% Complete (Everything Unlocked): Highlight ARCADE MODE: Hold X+Y & press START for Boss Battle)
29. Catwoman (All levels unlocked and the game is saved at the start of the last level.)
30. Celebrity Deathmatch (100% Complete)
31. Conker Live and Reloaded (One million in cash and all chapters 100% completed.)
32. Constantine (Completed in Normal Mode (Missing some Bonus Cards))
33. Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex (120% Cleared.)
34. Crash Nitro Kart (100% Complete. Everything Unlocked.)
35. Crash Twinsanity (79% Complete)
36. Crimson Skies High Road to Revenge (100% complete, all aircraft unlocked/upgraded.)
37. Dark Summit (100% Complete)
38. Dead or Alive Ultimate (All Costumes, All Characters, CG Gallery, Booster, Player announcements)
39. Def Jam Fight for NY (100% game finished and $150.000)
40. Deus Ex Invisible War (Beginning of Upper Seattle with all weapons & lots of extra Bio and Weapon Mods)
41. Digimon Rumble Arena 2 (All Digimonsters & Arenas)
42. Disney Extreme Skate Adventure (Everything Unlocked (Missing a couple gaps))
43. DOOM 3 (100% Complete)
44. Dragon Ball Z Sagas (All Levels Complete)
45. Dungeons & Dragons Heroes (Complete, Level 102, over 2million gold, lots of weapons.)
46. Dynasty Warriors 3 (All characters unlocked. All maps unlocked. Secret weapon unlocked.)
47. Dynasty Warriors 4 (Everything Unlocked.)
48. Enter the Matrix (All Levels Complete, All Hacks Complete.)
49. Fable (At the beginning of the game, 1m gold, all legendary weapons (AEONS))
50. Fallout Brotherhood of Steel (Completed on normal, extra characters & movies unlocked)
51. Futurama (All Levels Unlocked)
52. Godzilla Destroy All Monsters Melee (100% Complete - All Monsters, Levels (No Ring Level), and Gallery Items)
53. Grabbed by the Ghoulies (Game Completed. Missing a few books)
54. Grand Theft Auto 3 (Begin with plenty of cash, all weapons, full armor, and full health.)
55. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (100% Complete)
56. Grand Theft Auto Vice City (100% Complete - *All Hidden Packages Found* - $100,000, Full Armor (Guns, Seas., Tank, Apache))
57. Halo Combat Evolved (100% Complete - Legendary Campaign)
58. Halo 2 (Finished in Legendary - All MP levels unlocked.)
59. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Story Complete)
60. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Story Complete)
61. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer‘s Stone (75% All Wizard Cards, Full Health, Battle with Quirinus Quirrell.)
62. Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup (All maps, 70 cards ->Quidditch, Bulgarian Team, French WM finish, All Brooms.)
63. Haunted Mansion (Last boss, 24 lives, nightmare setting)
64. Hitman 2 Silent Assassin (Fully Completed Game Save, All levels open)
65. Hot Wheels Stunt Track Challenge (All levels unlocked)
66. Indiana Jones and the Emperor‘s Tomb (100% complete w/ some artifacts missing)
67. Jade Empire (Game Complete)
68. JSRF - Jet Set Radio Future (100% Complete - All Characters & Graffiti)
69. Judge Dredd: Dredd VS Death (All levels available on Easy Mode.)
70. Jurassic Park Operation Genesis (Max size Park, nearly all dinosaurs, 1 million credits, everything unlocked!)
71. King Arthur (Finished Game + All Upgrades)
72. Legends of Wrestling (All unlocked 100% Complete)
73. Legends of Wrestling 2 (All shop items unlocked.)
74. LEGO Star Wars (All Episodes Complete, All Characters, All Hints, All Extras (save slot 1))
75. LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (100% Complete, Everything Unlocked + Max Studs)
76. Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude (100% Complete, All Items, Perfect on All Missions.)
77. Lord of the Rings: Return of The King (100% Complete)
78. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (100% Complete, a lot of items!)
79. Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (100% Complete)
80. Lord of the Rings: Two Towers (100% Complete)
81. Marvel Nemesis Rise of the Imperfects (All characters and stages unlocked)
82. Marvel vs Capcom 2 (100% all characters, colors, galleries. Can choose same character 3 times.)
83. Max Payne (Fugitive and hard boiled unlocked)
84. Max Payne 2 The Fall of Max Payne (Starts at end of the last chapter. Just the last boss to kill to open up extras.)
85. MechAssault (Game fully beaten, all Mechs unlocked)
86. MechAssault 2 Lone Wolf (100% complete, Nemesis skin unlocked)
87. Medal of Honor Frontline (100% Complete)
88. Medal of Honor Rising Sun (100% Complete)
89. Metal Arms Glitch in the System (110 Chips. All but one multiplayer level unlocked!)
90. Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance (100% Tanker Tags and unlock most special items. Save States from Tanker to Plant mission.)
91. Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition (100% complete, all cars unlocked)
92. Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance (Password=BXAYLR - Konquest/All Characters (Blaze/Mokap)/Endings/Outfits/Krypt - 100% COMPLETE)
93. Mortal Kombat Deception (Password: AAAAAA - Begin with Max Koins, Krypt Komplete, All Standard Characters, & Endings - 100% Complete)
94. NBA Jam 2004 (All Legend Teams unlocked, unstoppable Created Baller, courts and more.)
95. Need for Speed Underground (100% Complete)
96. Need for Speed Underground 2 (Everything Unlocked and over 800k cash.)
97. Oddworld Munch‘s Oddysee (100% Complete)
98. Oddworld Stranger‘s Wrath (100% Complete)
99. Outlaw Golf 2 (100% Everything Unlocked, all characters/clubs/courses.)
100. Pac-Man World 2 (100% Complete)
101. Predator Concrete Jungle (All Weapons and Costumes Completed)
102. Prince of Persia The Sands of Time (100% finished. 48 sand cloud & 10 water of live collected. POP 1 & 2 Unlocked.
103. Prince of Persia Warrior Within (100% Complete, Alternate Ending.)
104. Psi Ops (Complete on Normal & Elite Everything unlocked)
105. Psychonauts (Rank: 101, Everything Found, Final Cutscene Before End Boss)
106. Quantum Redshift (100% Complete - All tracks, pilots, redshift and bonus options unlocked)
107. Rayman 3 (All Levels Unlocked)
108. Rayman Arena (100% Complete)
109. Red Dead Revolver (Complete on Normal, Almost Everything Unlocked.)
110. Red Faction II (Everything Unlocked! All Cheat, Levels, Movies, Concept Art, & Squad / Enemy / Civilian / Equipment Models.)
111. Return to Castle Wolfenstein Tides of War (100% Complete on Hard Difficulty.)
112. Robotech Battlecry (100% Complete)
113. Rollercoaster Tycoon ($100,000+ Money)
114. Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights (Battle the Master Mind - 89% Snacks)
115. Serious Sam (Story Complete)
116. Shadow of Memories (Complete - All Endings Unlocked)
117. Shenmue II (Game Completed)
118. Shrek 2 (100% Complete)
119. Silent Hill 2 (100% Complete)
120. Silent Hill 4 (100% Complete)
121. SNK vs Capcom SVC Chaos (Gallery & Characters Unlocked (Hold the ‘R-Trigger‘ to Use Secret Characters))
122. Sonic Heroes (100% Complete - ALL History, ALL A ranks, ALL 120 emblems, All 2P mode unlock, very Hard mode!)
123. Sonic Mega Collection Plus (100% Unlocked. All games and hints unlocked)
124. Soul Calibur 2 (100% Complete - 86/86 secrets (all modes, chars, costumes, weapons, missions unlocked))
125. Spawn Armageddon (100% Complete - Missing some Comic Covers)
126. Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (Game Completed - Saved before final boss.)
127. Spider-Man 2 (Story finished, All bought, a lot of hero points)
128. SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikini Bottom (87% Complete.)
129. Spy Hunter Nowhere to Run (Game complete - all levels/movies unlocked)
130. Spyro A Hero‘s Tail (100% Complete)
131. SSX 3 (100% Complete: All characters, peaks, and music - $1 Billion)
132. SSX Tricky (All World Circuit Gold! All Costume, all board, all stats are maxed out!)
133. Star Wars Battlefront (100% Complete)
134. Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith (Game completed; all vs characters unlocked.)
135. Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy (Play as a Red Boba Fett with working jet pack on Tatooine. All rank 3 powers + much more.)
136. Star Wars Jedi Starfighter (100% Complete)
137. Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic
o Game 1 (0h 0m) - Start game as high-level Jedi w/ full party, awesome items, max credits, and all force powers. (Male Character)

o Game 1 (1h 3m) - Beginning of Taris with modded content and unique items. Carth reclassed as Darth Bandon (Lvl 20 with Max Dark Side Points). Max EXP to Customize the Character however you‘d like! (Female Character)
138. Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2
o Game 1 - Begin as a Male Jedi Consular with +44 (99) Stats, +28 (99) Skills, Extra Powers, & Extra Feats. (Neutral Side)

o Game 2 - Begin as a Male Jedi Sentinel with +44 (99) Stats, +28 (99) Skills, Extra Powers, & Extra Feats. (Neutral Side)

o Game 3 - Begin as a Male Jedi Guardian with +44 (99) Stats, +28 (99) Skills, Extra Powers, & Extra Feats. (Neutral Side)

o Game 4 - Begin as a Female Jedi Guardian with +44 (99) Stats, +28 (99) Skills, Extra Powers, & Extra Feats. (Neutral Side)

o Game 5 - Begin as a Female Jedi Sentinel with +44 (99) Stats, +28 (99) Skills, Extra Powers, & Extra Feats. (Neutral Side)

o Game 6 - Begin as a Female Jedi Consular with +44 (99) Stats, +28 (99) Skills, Extra Powers, & Extra Feats. (Neutral Side)

139. Star Wars Obi-Wan (100% Complete)
140. Star Wars Republic Commando (100% Complete)
141. Star Wars The Clone Wars (Game completed 100%, most bonuses.)
142. Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (All 10 direction pages, extra options, Gill playable, and outfits for 3rd Strike)
143. Sudeki (Before Final Boss)
144. Syberia (Just click on Hans to watch The End.)
145. Tenchu Return From Darkness (All Multiplayer Characters, All Stages, All Ninja Items Unlocked & Maxed, All Abilities, Secrets.)
146. Terminator Dawn of Fate (All Levels Unlocked (Difficulty - Easy))
147. Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines (100% Complete)
148. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (At the Start of Main Quest with High Stats and Good Loot!)
149. The Punisher (All levels and gold medals.)
150. The Simpsons Hit & Run (Everything Unlocked)
151. The Simpsons Road Rage (Game complete, all levels and cars.)
152. The Sims (999,999 Cash.)
153. The Sims Bustin‘ Out (Mommas House with 10 on all skills, about 14,000 money.)
154. The Suffering (Everything unlocked - All Bonus Archives and Alternate Intro Unlocked)
155. TimeSplitters Future Perfect (100% everything unlocked, all gold/platinum on challenge/arcade. Hard complete.)
156. TimeSplitters 2 (100% Complete)
157. Tom and Jerry War of the Whiskers (All Characters, All Sets, 15 Costumes)
158. Tom Clancy‘s Ghost Recon (Everything unlocked, Rank: General)
159. Tom Clancy‘s Ghost Recon 2 (100% Complete)
160. Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Island Thunder (100% Complete)
161. Tom Clancy‘s Rainbow Six 3 (Normal and Elite Campaign Completed)
162. Tom Clancy‘s Splinter Cell (All Levels Unlocked, Normal Mode Complete)
163. Tom Clancy‘s Splinter Cell 2 Pandora Tomorrow (Normal Mode - All Levels Complete.)
164. Tony Hawk‘s Pro Skater 2x (Everything Unlocked)
165. Tony Hawk‘s Pro Skater 3 (Game Completed)
166. Tony Hawk‘s Pro Skater 4 (100% Complete)
167. Tony Hawk‘s Underground (Everything Unlocked)
168. Tony Hawk‘s Underground 2 (All Story Stages Complete All Gaps & Missions Complete. Stat Maxed. Perfect Balance, etc., Infinite Special etc. (Start Pro Skater Stage))
169. True Crime Streets of LA (Every Episode, All Weapons, Impound Cars, Endings Unlocked. All Combat, Weapon, & Driving Moves Learned.)
170. Turok Evolution (100% Complete)
171. TY the Tasmanian Tiger (100%, all boomerangs.)
172. TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2 (1 Round cleared. All Boomerangs.)
173. Unreal Championship (CHAMPION STATUS: DM, CTF, DOM)
174. Vexx (100% Complete - 81 Hearts (All Hearts))
175. Voodoo Vince (100% Complete - Start on Last Level)
176. WWE WrestleMania 21 (Ultimate save - Everything unlocked including Legends and Arenas.)
177. WWF Raw (Brock Lesnar/Sting/Three Custom Wrestlers/Ultimo Dragon and more.)
178. WWF Raw 2 (CAWS - G-Unit, Jeff Hardy, The Hulk, Unmasked Kane, and Scott Hall.)
179. XIII (100% Complete)
180. X2 Wolverine‘s Revenge (100% Complete - Everything Unlocked)
181. X-Men Legends (Everything unlocked.)
182. X-Men Next Dimension (100% Complete)
183. Yager (All missions completed, 16/50 unlocks.)
184. Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny (70% game complete - 650 cards)
185. Zapper (100% Complete)
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